31st May 2016 – Day 152 of 366

great egret in morning light

Today ends the 5th month of the year and it has been really fast. The final few photographs from the end of the birding season at Seawoods. It sure was an amazing time. And now see you till next time..
This image is of a Great Egret fishing for its food against the rising sun overhead, creating beautiful bokeh all around, just as if someone spilled a bottle full of golden bokeh grains!

18th May 2016 – Day 139 of 366

Greater Egret in for a catch

Today, yet again I visited the Seawoods Backwaters to check out thebirds, incase there were any. And to my much surprise I did find a couple of Lesser Flamingos and scores of Greater Egrets that were all over the place. It was amazing shooting these birds fish, waiting each moment patiently till they got their catch